Taurus – 30th September to 6th October – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

April 20th – May 20th
You will feel in synch with a loved one, Taurus. Your hard work at improving communication has paid off and it’s time to enjoy more spontaneous, care free time together. Someone that has helped you with your career could do with your support now. It’s always nice to be able to give back and this time it could lead to something financially rewarding.

April 20th – May 20th
The beginning of the week will start on a bright note, Taurus and get increasingly better as it goes on. The weekend will see you experience something you’ve always wanted to. It would be wise the expedite the end of a relationship that you know in your heart isn’t working, it is the kindest thing to do.

April 20th – May 20th
Your responsibilities will take precedence this week, Taurus. You will feel like a martyr at times and may find yourself resenting a certain someone but this will pass. You want to get together with a new love interest but a clash of dates will prevent it happening when you would like it to. Stay hopeful and rearrange your date for next week.

April 20th – May 20th
You must learn the art of letting go, Taurus. It is a difficult skill to master but you must accomplish this to achieve long term happiness. Ensure you keep up with your workload this week as there is more to come, and this is your opportunity to show them what you are made of. A home renovation will take longer than you anticipated but don’t let that stop you achieving your dream space.

April 20th – May 20th
You may be feeling conflicted in your job, Taurus. Though you need to bring in the money, you feel that you are compromising your integrity. It’s time to think about moving on to pastures new. Prioritise friendships that are about equality and make you feel good about yourself. A loved one is about to make a bad decision and you should speak up before they get carried away.

April 20th – May 20th
Your self believe is a little lacking, Taurus. You must believe that you can and will do great things. Build up your own self motivation and watch how you fly. You may hear that a friend has brought you down and criticised your actions, the truth is that they didn’t do any such thing! Go straight to the source before assuming what you are told is correct.

April 20th – May 20th
You’ve been socialising and working hard, Taurus. It is time for some time out and to focus on yourself for a change. Too much of a good things is never healthy! Stress levels will start to diminish and I’d stress that it is time for some much needed self care. Money matters are looking good, in fact, you could confidently plan that holiday or renovation you’ve been dreaming about.

April 20th – May 20th
The more you learn to trust in your abilities to get things right, the more you will accomplish. Stop the negative talk and instead, big yourself up! Something you are passionate about will begin to take up more and more of your free time. It will be a great opportunity to make new friends and also to meet potential new love interests.

April 20th – May 20th
You’ve been pushing yourself too hard, Taurus. Don’t ignore the signals your body is giving you and schedule some well earned down time. Work may feel like a chore this week but it will be short lived. Set bondaries with a loved one that is draining you emotionally, whilst you allow it to continue they will take advantage. Put a stop to it now.

April 20th – May 20th
You are seeking a desired result without putting in the effort, Taurus. You know better than this! Get your act together and put in the work required. You will feel increasingly more connected to your spiritual side and this is something you should explore further. Routine tasks should be prioritised into order of urgency.