Taurus – 9th December to 15th December – Elizabeth Rose
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April 20th – May 20th
When looking towards your long term goals you may be feeling cautious. Nothing ventured, nothing gained so go for it with everything you’ve got. What’s the worst that can happen? If you are craving some down time then it’s up to you to advocate for yourself. Set the scene with friends and loved ones and take some well needed alone time when the opportunity presents itself.

April 20th – May 20th
You are in the perfect position to make positive changes in your workplace. The green light is on so market your ideas to the people that matter. The target audience is the most important aspect of this, get them on side and that’s half of the battle won already. If you’re in a relationship, don’t forget the simple act of affection is important to keep the fires burning.

April 20th – May 20th
Be supportive when you see a colleague struggling, whether they accept your help or not is down to them. If you feel you are censoring your words around a love interest then maybe they aren’t the right person for you. Also, you should only ever show your authentic self to others or else you can never really trust their true feelings towards you.

April 20th – May 20th
Prioritise spending time on yourself this week, Taurus. Meditation, yoga and even journalling with clear you mind and give you the space you need to recreate a future you desire. Tuning into your deepest emotions will put you on a spiritual path that is enlightening but also healing. Lean into this side of yourself for a happier future.

April 20th – May 20th
You need to come out of your comfort zone this week. Allow yourself to do something that excites you and maybe scares you a little – you will come away from this feeling empowered and ready to take on more in a different area of your life. You will be called upon to support a colleague and you will make a firm friend out of them, too.

April 20th – May 20th
Everyone shows their affection in different ways so it may be that you need to adjust your expectations. Sometimes people show their love in the little everyday things that they do for you. Communication has fallen down at work, and it is causing rumours to circulate, don’t believe anything until you hear it from the people that matter. Keep up with your health goals as you’ve taken your eye off of the ball just recently.

April 20th – May 20th
Early in the week you may feel torn at work, Taurus. A long standing colleague is struggling and you may have to cover for them. In matters of the heart, you need to remain patient whilst also keeping true to yourself. The wrong relationship will only delay the great partnership that you are destined for. The number 11 is significant this week.

April 20th – May 20th
As the week starts you will feel like asserting your independence, Taurus. It will be a good opportunity to think about striking out on your own, especially if you’re thinking of starting your own business. Speak to friends about your desire to travel as one friend in particular shares your dreams. Daydreams can turn into reality with a little planning and saving.

April 20th – May 20th
Try to break free from interfering, Taurus as it could get you in trouble. Sometimes you don’t even realise that you are meddling! If you’ve been thinking about branching out and starting your own business then you should follow this up. Research your market thoroughly before committing to any spending though. Realistic expectations from the outset will benefit you greatly.

April 20th – May 20th
If you’re single, try engaging with a community event where you will meet lots of different types of people. It’s possible you will connect with someone who is not your usual type but remember how those usually work out! You will create an opportunity for yourself by being outstanding in a project or ideas meeting – this will be a great step up in your career. It’s time to kick start your health goals.