Scorpio – 23rd September to 29th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Kicking off the week you will find yourself feeling optimistic around a new love match. And so you should be! They are your perfect match for energy and long term goals, don’t be shy with this one, Scorpio. Look outside of your chosen field to earn a bit of extra cash. Towards the end of the week, keep an eye out for a legal document that needs your attention and ready it carefully before signing.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Someone will be trying to convince you that they’ve changed, Scorpio. Surprisingly, this old dog really had learned some new tricks! A co worker has dreams of becoming an internet sensation, however, will turn to you when things don’t quite go to plan. You may actually be the one to turn things around for them with a great idea!

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Look at your general health and make small changes to ensure you stay healthy. Leave the car at home more and schedule time in nature when you get some free time. Not only will your body thank you but your mind will reap the benefits, too. Is there a conflict between two different parts of your life? For now, it’s best to keep them separate and not to try to combine the two.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
It’s time to scrutinise your cash, Scorpio. Take a deep dive into your budget and what you think your outgoings are, then compare the two. Make some cutbacks on subscriptions that are no longer required and be brutal in cutting out the daily, and often unnecessary expenses. It’s time to consider your significant others’ needs – they are not as forthcoming as you are and they need a little bit of attention.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
In order to receive you must give, Scorpio. A one side relationship is never going to work long term and you need to put in more effort to show that you do indeed care. Be conversative in your spending this week and look at a long term approach to savings. Material possessions won’t make you happy in the long run.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Self doubt helps no one, Scorpio and you have much inner strength that you give yourself credit for. So, stop with the negative talk and play to your strengths and not your weaknesses. In a love relationship, don’t let fear create an issue where there isn’t one. Show kindness to an elderly relative or neighbour that is too proud to ask for a little help.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
The best journeys are always with others, Scorpio. A collaboration in the workplace will see much success financially and a friends get together will be just what you need to end the week on a high. With finances improving you will have a great sense of inner security and start planning a future that you only dreamed about.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Stop trying to control the uncontrollable, Scorpio. It is unnecessary and incredibly tiring. People will people and there is nothing you an do to stop it. You aren’t in charge of others actions or mistakes. You may be feeling irritated or frustrated with a loved one. It’s time to have a frank conversation and then you must put things behind you once and for all.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will find yourself supporting a relative, Scorpio. However, they may need more help that you can provide so do look into getting regular, professional help. Your finances have been a little precarious but this period is coming to an end and you will feel much lighter and optimistic about the future.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
If you are looking at building a connection with a significant other then you need to communication effectively. There is no use keeping your thoughts and feelings and hopes for the future to yourself – how will you know if you’re on the same page if you don’t share? A chance to earn a little extra money will present itself in an unusual way.