Scorpio – 11th December to 17th December – Elizabeth Rose
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Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
If you keep your expectations low then you won’t be disappointed. A gift from out of the blue will secure in your mind that you are valued more than you think. You will be given an opportunity to take on more duties at work but do make sure that you are paid for these, and not expected to take them on permanently without any extra reward.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A meeting is going to go your way this week but ensure you read an important document beforehand. A lovely token of goodwill will come your way which will make you feel appreciated. A friend will introduce you to someone who you will be very attracted to which could lead to something amazing.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Rise above the pettiness of your colleagues, it’s not worth you getting involved. The time is right to start organising your finances ahead of the new year. An old colleague is talking about you in a favourable way and this could lead to an approach by a new employer. Single? Accept every social invitation coming your way as this will bring a chance to meet your soulmate.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be invited to go to London. News from another country will be rather puzzling. You will be asked to put someone up for a while, but you will not be very keen about it, and wonder how you can get out of it gracefully. You will bump into an old friend and be shocked by how much they have changed since you last saw them. Singles will have an exciting date this weekend. The finances take a dive but level up again quite soon.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will wonder whether to attend a family gathering this Christmas, as you will want to avoid one particular person. You will try and finish some kind of project before Christmas; it may mean you need to spend quite a lot of time on it. A friend will want to treat you to a lovely meal as a thank you. You will be so surprised when you get a lovely present from a loved one. Singles will text someone new this weekend.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will want to move from where you are living but you will realise that you will have to put it on hold for a while. Patience is all that is needed before you achieve what you want. An old friend will confide in you and you will realize that they are feeling quite lonely. However you will have one or to suggestions for them that will be very welcome. A loved one will want to treat you as a surprise this weekend.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will feel that a friend has let you down in some way and not be quite certain how to go about it. Maybe talking with someone you really trust about it would help. Good news regarding the finances is coming up soon and you will be able to go on that holiday that you had had your eye on for a while. Singles will be amazed when an old flame tries to contact them. You will de-clutter a wardrobe and be really pleased with yourself.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
An old friend will contact you out of the blue. You will find that a partner will go through a quiet stage and you will wonder if they have a related problem with you in some way. Obviously you will need to have a chat to get to the bottom of things. The finances will tick over ok and a cash surprise is coming for you too. You will think about having a dinner party for a few friends and try out a new recipe on them.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will not be happy with the treatment that you have had at work and you will think about putting a complaint in. You will be pleased about a family invitation but be a little concerned as there will be someone there who you really do not like, and you will not want an atmosphere as a result of you being there. Just go and be pleasant and it will be ok. The finances look ok and a bill will be paid off at last.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
News from someone living in another country will be very interesting to you. A long term relationship seems to be getting a bit boring for you, and you will think about asking for a break from it, so that you can stand back to see how you really feel about everything. As a result from a recent situation at work, you will feel that you have more confidence in yourself. You may also feel that you can apply for a job that normally you would not consider.