Pisces – 30th September to 6th October – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
Surround yourself with people that have the same life goals as you do, Pisces. It will be a great boost to understand what others have experienced and know that you’re not the only one. So don’t give up! You have a lot of influence over a family member and you should use this wisely when they come to you for guidance. Love has the initial P in their name.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Your mind will wander to far away places, Pisces. This is the perfect time to research a holiday for next year but do set yourself a budget! A colleague will need you to collaborate with them and you definitely should – this will pave the way for a big success which will boost your earning potential. Keep a close eye on a family member and offer to help with small chores and tasks.

Feb 19th – March 20th
It’s been emotional, Pisces. It’s time to step off of the rollercoaster and evaluate all you have learned. A difficult decision must be made in regards to an elderly relative. In matters of the heart, you will meet someone who truly sees you how you are and be appreciated for all of the right reasons. The number 3 is lucky this week.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Don’t fall to pieces quite yet, Pisces. It is all close to coming together so don’t give up. Follow the path you’ve set for yourself and don’t allow the negative self talk dissuade you from continuing. You are nearly there! A temporary solution to a loved ones problem will be just fine for now, however, remember this isn’t supposed to be for the long term so don’t forget to revisit it.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Sitting down with your manager isn’t on your to do list, Pisces. However, it would benefit you massively to share your short and long term goals. A new love interest will come across as hesitant when they are simply just shy. It will take time for them to open up to you so don’t try to rush things.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Think twice and don’t be in a rush, Pisces. Pause before making a large financial outlay and ensure you’ve made all of the necessary checks to ensure it is genuine. Procrastination could cost you a great love affair, say yes at the first opportunity. If someone isn’t playing fair in the workplace then leave them to it, they will dig their own hole soon enough.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You are on the verge of making an important life change, Pisces. Keep moving forward and don’t allow negativity to stop you in your tracks. New friendships will be formed and it’s time to let go of those that don’t serve your purpose or have your best interests at heart.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Control yourself, Pisces! Think carefully before speaking and check your balance before spending. Being reckless with your words or finances will bite you on the bum later down the line. Take some advice regarding long term financial planning. A promotion or change of job is looking likely in the very near future.

Feb 19th – March 20th
It will be an up and down week, Pisces. On minute you will feel on top of the world and another feel down in the dumps. Thankfully, this phase will be short lived. The end of the week looks full of fun and happy times! Singles will feel excited about a flirtation, and so you should as it could turn into something very special.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A business meeting will go well, Pisces. There is no reason to fret or worry about this beforehand. An older relative will be useful in helping you make a decision around a relationship, listen to their advice carefully. A friend has your best interests at heart though their delivery may be found lacking. A small bet will pay off.