Pisces – 9th December to 15th December – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
An item that you’ve put off selling has increased in value significantly. Now is surely the time to market it in as many places as possible. Improving your self image will also bolter your self confidence. If you’re unsure of how to go about this, ask friends for their honest opinion on where you could make positive changes but reassure them that you won’t be offended so that they can be truly honest with you.

Feb 19th – March 20th
One on one relationships will flourish this week. Whether that be friends, family or your lover, you will find yourself forming deeper connections. Self reflection is important for change and growth and you should look at ways you can be the best version of yourself. When you radiate happiness it’s hard for people not to reciprocate the same.

Feb 19th – March 20th
If you are considering a new pet then definitely do your research. Not just the costs of feeding but also insurance and regular shots – the costs soon mount up. You may find yourself making decisions based on appearances rather than emotion this week. This is wrong per se, however, some people can be something they are not.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Your empathetic side is going to be put to use this week, Pisces. You will feel like you must help everyone who comes to you but you really don’t. Understanding your own emotions is important in allowing you to help others so prioritise therapy or journalling. Single? A new love interest will be someone from far back in your past.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Your leadership abilities are strengthening and you should stray out of your comfort zone by applying for roles with more responsibility. You will make a deal around property that will leave you feeling ecstatic. Make a little more effort with a friend that is feeling sidelined, they would do the same for you. Red is usually a signal of danger but it will be lucky for you this week.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You love to be at home and will enjoy your own company this week, Pisces. That’s fine as long as you don’t hibernate for the winter! Even if you don’t particularly want to go out, keep in touch with family and friends by phone or email so as not to isolate yourself. A project or task at work will stump you but remember it is OK to ask for help, no one will think any less of you.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Sometimes it is easier to write your feelings down rather than speak about them, Pisces. Try journalling to get your thoughts out and remember no one else is going to read it so be honest with yourself. Connecting with a colleague will help you work through a project so make time to get together outside of work. The number 9 is lucky this week.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be inclined to daydream more than usual this week, Pisces. The truth of the matter is that a lot of what you wish for can happen with a little hard work and commitment to the cause. In the workplace, believe in yourself. Self confidence is important when you want to further your career. If all else fails, ‘fake it ’till you make it’!

Feb 19th – March 20th
You feel like you have been betrayed, Pisces. The truth of the matter is that they had your best interests at heart and didn’t mean to hurt you. You can’t see that right now but know that this relationship is salvageable. Your career needs a kick start and you’ve not been entirely open about your skills. Apply for that promotion or new role and don’t hide your talents under a bushell!

Feb 19th – March 20th
If you feel like your heart is being taken for granted then you must do something about it. Speak up and make sure you are heard, otherwise nothing will change. Set aside some time to spend with an old, dear friend and ask for their advice, and take what is offered as they only have your best interests at heart. Spend a little money on sprucing up your wardrobe and don’t be afraid to experiment with a new style.