Leo – 13th May to 19th May – Elizabeth Rose
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July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You are about to secure a victory and it is because of your hard work and diligence. You are relied upon in the workplace and it is your time to shine. You’ve a lot of energy and feel in a good place. This will reflect in how you appear to others and you will find yourself attracting people with a similar mindset.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You are making progress, Leo, albeit gradual. You may feel like the results aren’t showing but they really are! Be confident in your ability to see this through to the end. A dreaded family event is looming which you feel obliged to attend but you really don’t have to if you don’t want to – what are they going to do?

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Friends are so important, Leo. They will ground you and make you realise you’re not thinking clearly in matters of the heart. Seek our their honest advice. You will make changes at work which may be implemented across the board, this will be rewarded down the line. Financially, things are set to improve.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You may find yourself avoiding a relationship question, Leo. Why is that? Is it because you know deep down that it can’t work long term? Be honest with yourself and you will find the answer. A financial commitment needs thorough attention before signing on the dotted line. Make an effort to avoid over indulging too often.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A short trip is on the horizon, Leo. It will make such a change from your day to day routine you will look at incorporating something similar on a regular basis. An old friend is having a tough time and your support and motivation is needed. However, you will need to make the first step and make contact as they are too proud to ask for help.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Avoid any unnecessary expenses this week, Leo. A setback in your love life will be temporary and any conflicts will be resolved quickly. Trust is integral to a successful relationship and you should use this time to learn and grow together as a couple. Compromising is a skill and one you should both work on!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You have some long overdue tasks, Leo. Set time aside this week to tackle some of the bigger jobs that need attention, you will be so glad that you did. A new love interest is showing as a Piscean but you may find it a difficult match due to their serious nature. A great week to put yourself forward in the workplace, and be noticed!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
It’s time to focus on your travel plans, Leo. Delaying it much longer could lead to disappointment. Finances are set to improve long term and a little windfall is on it’s way. Stay on track with your health goals even if you feel there is little improvement. An overheard discussion at work will bring you insight around an uncertain conversation.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Understanding your partner is key, Leo. To achieve harmony, you must take the time to delve deeper and work with your findings. If you are single, you will catch the eye of your future match. Financially, make a calculated decision rather than a risky investment. Slow progress is still progress!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
If you can maintain your focus, Leo then you will achieve the results you crave. You will feel reluctant to get back to dating, however there is someone special waiting for you. Keep engaging with online dating even though it feels fruitless right now. A new friend will shake up your group and new alliances will be formed.