Leo – 22nd July to 28th July – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You feel that you’ve come to an end with your current workplace but that is not true, Leo. Changes can and will be made and you will be instrumental in achieving this. Money matters are dominating your thoughts and it is time to tighten your belt for a little while, however you will received a boost of funds from an unexpected source very soon.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will find yourself in the middle of a celebration, Leo and it is something so unexpected you will feel quite emotional. Try to spend some quality time with an older family member. They are struggling in this digital aid and a little teaching from you will make all the difference to their day to day life.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
If you are in the market for a new role, Leo then you will find yourself progressing to the next round. Seek legal advice around a property matter before you spend any money. Travel is highlighted and a spontaneous trip away is on the cards – it might be an idea to have a little overnight bag already packed and waiting to go!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
There will be a shift within your relationship, making things a little more exciting, Leo. Your inner adventurer will crave a different landscape and you can make it happen with a bit of planning. Keep on top of your work this week before it becomes unmanageable. An old friend will try to make contact via a mutual acquaintance.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will reflect on the past and go down memory lane, Leo. Be aware that we often use rose tinted glasses when reminiscing and forget the associated emotional upheaval. You should acknowledge how far you come on your journey and how much you’ve grown as a person. You’ve learned lessons from the past which is something many seem able to do.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Make the most of your opportunities this week, Leo. You have so much to offer to the right employer and you should look at making a move away from your current role as you are unappreciated and undervalued. Open yourself up to being vulnerable with a loved one, only then will they see you for who you truly are.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
There will be lots of distractions this week, Leo. Both negative and positive and you will feel like you are on a hamster wheel of emotion. Take deep breaths and deal with one issue at a time and all will be fine. You may find yourself spending more time than you would like at work but this is a phase which will pass and things will return to normal soon.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A family member will offer unwanted advice, Leo but you know deep down it comes from a place of love. A colleague is wondering if you are single! It would be a good idea to make sure your social media reflects your status so as to avoid any confusion. A colleague will announce their departure and you will consider applying for their role – go for it!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Focus on yourself this week, Leo. Take the opportunity to socialise with others and take yourself out of your own head for a while. Study is on the cards and you should embrace this wholeheartedly if you want to get ahead. A friend will break a promise, however you will soon learn that it was for the best of reasons so don’t be too harsh initially.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You need to make an important decision about your future, Leo. Don’t put it off any longer. It’s hard to leave people behind but you must put your own needs first this time. A chance to let your hair down at the weekend will bring about a meeting of minds like you’ve never experienced before. How exciting!