Capricorn – 13th May to 19th May – Elizabeth Rose
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Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
It’s fine to look back at old times but remember to learn from your mistakes. Use your memories to inspire you and create something new and unique. You will start to feel like the ‘old you’ again and it is the perfect time to arrange a night out to let your hair down. Single? The letter M is important in your future.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A family related issue will be quickly resolved, Capricorn. Don’t worry too much about what was said as sincere apologies will be made. Look at studying or learning a new skill that will set you apart from your colleagues as there will be an opportunity to rise up the ranks coming soon. If you are already making progress to fulfil the needs of the role it will be looked on very favourably.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Property matters are at the forefront this week, Capricorn. Get quotes for renovations and ensure you use the right tradesman for the job. If the quote seems low then corners will generally be cut. If you’re looking to move then this is the week to begin your search, it won’t take long to find your ideal property.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
The perfect role doesn’t seem to have existed so far, Capricorn. However, this week you may find yourself being informally interviewed for a position that is everything you’ve ever wanted! The desire to purchase land or property will move a step closer. Keep your eye on the property pages more closely than usual.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
If you are thinking of studying then go for it, Capricorn. It is the perfect time to enrich your earning potential and it will do you the world of good to know you are investing in the future you. Singles may find themselves falling for a new love interest and you should allow the process to unfold naturally, don’t force it. You are a great match and could make it long term.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You can expect to feel a warm, loving energy this week, Capricorn. If it is a new relationship, this stage is magical and you should bask in it’s glow for as long as possible. Don’t try to hurry things along, it will happen naturally as long as you allow it to. Continue to put your best foot forward at work, your efforts are being noticed and it won’t be long before you are offered a step up.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
There are changes that you need to make, Capricorn. Whether these are at home or in the workplace then this week is the time to get the ball rolling. Embrace change, trust your instincts and go for it! Though motivation around fitness is lacking, do look into alternative ways to keep yourself active so that you don’t waste your free time scrolling online.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A promotion or increase in earnings is close, Capricorn. You should be mindful of those that helped you get where you are and reciprocate if you can. You have no reason to get involved in a family drama, much to your relief! Keep quiet and it will resolve itself within a few days.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You may face a set back this week, Capricorn. However, if you stay determined and focussed you will get the outcome you desire. In your personal life you may encounter a conflict between friends, it would be wise to stay neutral and keep your thoughts to yourself. Be patient with a family member, they are trying harder than you realise.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You have influence in the workplace, Capricorn. You will be called upon for your knowledge and in turn, changes will be made to the delight of colleagues. Express your thoughts with a loved one about a house move, you will be surprised to hear that they have been thinking about it too. Single? A chance meeting with an ex could lead to a reconciliation.