Capricorn – 22nd July to 28th July – Elizabeth Rose
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Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Keep your eye on the prize, Capricorn. You know what you want and how to get it so don’t be derailed by a few hurdles! A challenging friendship situation is coming to an end and it will all be forgotten soon. A misunderstanding with a loved one can be quickly resolved if you face it head on and don’t allow it to fester.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Ensure you fulfil a promise made to a loved one, Capricorn. Even though your time is precious right now and it’s the last thing you feel like doing. It will spread so much joy and happiness and make you feel better in yourself, too. If you’re waiting on a message from a new love interest then the wait is nearly over!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Single, Capricorn? An online romance will gather pace and you will be wise to slow it down. Being in a relationship isn’t the be all and end all, you need to be in the RIGHT relationship to feel fulfilled. Do seek legal advice on a property matter, possibly around an extension, before you do any of the ground work.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You have a lot on your plate this week, Capricorn. Try to deal with the most pressing items first and you may find that the others resolve themselves as time goes on. Responsibilities will play heavily on your mind and it would be a good idea to delegate where you can – the more you do the more people will expect!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
There is nothing wrong with showing your vulnerable side, Capricorn. Even with someone that you’ve known for a long time, it will bring you closer together in the long run. Trusting someone with your fears is the ultimate compliment. Cosmic energies will align to help with a personal problem and a source of help will come from a very unexpected source.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
The power of attraction is yours this week, Capricorn. Keep yourself focussed on your dreams and don’t be swayed onto another path, you are so close. An old flame is looking to reconnect. Keeping up with the neighbours is a fruitless endeavour – lead from the front!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You seem intent on helping with other people’s issues but ignoring your own – why is this? A negative influence is never going to change and you should walk away now before things get too serious. A shake up of your finances is in order, set a budget and stick to it before it becomes unmanageable.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will seek guidance from a respected colleague and this will open up a dialogue about moving to a different sector. Once you think about it in more depth you will come to realise it would be a great idea! Enter that competition you’ve been thinking about, only good will come from it. Take a little trip down memory lane with an older relative, it will make their day.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You should look at alternative ways of investing, Capricorn as the traditional way isn’t quite working out for you right now. You will feel creative in the home and you should follow your heart and not the latest trend. Remain focussed on your goals even if you feel that things are moving in the right direction, don’t give up.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Travel and a change of scenery is what you need, Capricorn. A change to your daily routine will do you the world of good. Financial matters relating to a property will remain unresolved this week, but don’t give up hope as it will come to a conclusion very soon. Be open to a conversation with an ex as it will bring clarity and closure.