Aquarius – 23rd September to 29th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You need to identify what your career aspirations are instead of blindly taking what is on offer. A good brainstorm and a big dose of reality will help you decide where your future path lies. You are a natural leader but sometimes loved ones will take advantage of this and not contribute – delegate as much as you can this week and let them surprise you with their efforts!

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Romantically speaking, you are ready to take things one step further, Aquarius. How exciting! It’s taken you a long time to trust and believe that happiness can indeed be yours. It’s your time now to grab it by the hand and run with it. Use every ounce of your willpower to avoid slipping back into a bad habit that serves no one, least of all you.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Don’t sit around waiting for things to happen, Aquarius. You have it within yourself to make the changes you need to be happier and more content. Make the first move with a love interest that has gone quiet, they are simply more reserved than they initially appeared to be. It’s time to get your body moving and sign up to the class that you’ve always wanted to try.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Take some time away from work, Aquarius. It has been your main focus for some weeks and you need some down time. Reach out to friends that you’ve not seen for a while and arrange a much needed escape from day to day life. If your heart isn’t in a relationship then the kindest thing to do is to let them go. Allowing it to limp on is not fair to anyone, yourself included.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will need to pick your battles carefully, Aquarius. Some things you can let go and other things you simply must stand up for yourself. A new friendship will go quiet for a while but don’t worry, it will gain momentum again soon. Career wise, being patient is the only option you have right now but something better is just around the corner.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Creatively, you are at your best this week, Aquarius. It would be a good idea to pick up a passion that has since been discarded due to lack of time. An affair of the heart will come to an end soon and it is for the best. They were never going to give you what you wanted and it’s time to realise that your wants and needs are just as valid as theirs.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Nothing is as bad as it seems, Aquarius. Take time to look inwards and then you can judge the actions of others. Not everyone has had your best interests at heart and these people should be actively avoided from now on. You have many strengths and you can trust in yourself to make the changes you require to live a more happy, fulfilling life.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You are feeling restless, Aquarius. Now is the time to follow your heart and do something that you’ve always dreamed of doing. Healthwise, things are improving so continue what you are doing to reap even more benefits but be careful to not take it too far. A good time for socialising and making new friends.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Be cautious with a large financial transaction, Aquarius. Double or even triple check the recipients details before confirming the payment. Your position from a legal standing will strengthen by taking appropriate advice. An ‘opponent’ in the workplace will show just how competitive they really are and will make themselves look silly in the process.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You are feeling reckless this week, Aquarius. Before throwing caution to the wind and acting on impulse, give yourself a few days grace after making a decision. You may find that you change your mind once the emotion of the situation has waned. Make self care a priority and schedule in regular pamper sessions to encourage you to think about yourself once in a while.