Aquarius – 2nd December to 8th December – Elizabeth Rose
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Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You may find yourself soul searching and looking for answers when the best thing would be to just get it straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak. Be brave and ask the questions that have been bothering you, you may be surprised at the answers. It’s time to make a start on the major personal goal you’ve been mulling over. No time like the present is there?

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A family reunion is just around the corner and you couldn’t be less enthusiastic if you tried. There’s nothing wrong with sitting this one out if you need to for your own peace of mind. Putting yourself first isn’t a bad thing so don’t allow others to make you feel guilty. If you’re single, a fitness group could lead you to a match made in heaven.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Look at your budget before committing to investments that make some time to realise. Having a steady flow of cash is more beneficial to you right now so maybe reconsider your spending by pushing it back to early next year. Share your daydreams and fantasies with your other half and watch the sparks fly!

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Try to maintain your composure during a tricky period at work. Speaking out in frustration may come back to bite you so do keep the worst of it to yourself! If your home is less than welcoming, make a list of tasks and do your upmost to complete at least one per week. Take inspiration from magazines and online and you will soon get the space you crave.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You’ve got a lot on your plate with work, errands, socialising etc. Getting stressed isn’t good so try to breakdown your diary into manageable portions. There will be time for some romance though and a relationship is set to move on to the next level. If you’re single, keep an eye on little used social media accounts as a message is winging it’s way to you.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Seek advice on money making strategies and follow it carefully. Don’t go into an investment blindly, gather as much information as possible before committing your hard earned cash. For those in a relationship you will find that things are calmer and happier after a heart to heart. Track down an old friend to help you seek clarity on something that has been bothering you for years!

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel drawn to a business proposal that you would never usually consider. As with anything, do some research and then allow yourself to get excited at what is to come. In matters of the heart, there will be some confusion over long term plans, sit down and communicate clearly where you see things going. A family member is too embarrassed to reach out. It would be kind to make the first move in this instance.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
At work, putting your hand up to learn new skills will earn you brownie points. There is a lack of enthusiasm from others and because of this, you will get to negotiate on pay and conditions. At home, you need to look at decluttering and donating/selling objects that no longer serve you. There is one particular item that could start a bidding war so ensure you research it’s true cost before agreeing on a sale price.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A collaboration with a colleague will propel your career. Don’t dismiss an idea because you don’t feel that you have the necessary skills, take your project to someone who does and watch it fly. If you are in the early stages of a relationship, try not to rush things. This stage is imperative as it gives you the chance to work out their morals and commitment levels and see if they match your own.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Don’t be hypnotised into thinking a certain lifestyle is easy or affordable. What you see online is a snapshot of all the good things that happen whilst you never get to see the sacrifices of time and money that have gone into creating an illusion. If you’re looking to meet the ‘one’ then you do need to be proactive – no one is going to turn up at your door as profess true love! Join the dating site or say yes to the blind date.