Taurus – 25th April to 1st May – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

April 20th – May 20th
A busy weekend ahead and you will have to juggle the chores as well. However, a partner will come to the rescue so that you will be able to have a breather. You will think about booking a cruise for later next year as a very good bargain appears. A bit of a problem with some plumbing will have to be sorted out. You will think about changing the time of a meeting in order to get the best advantage.

April 20th – May 20th
A new hobby will falter a bit, not really get off to a good start, then suddenly the penny will drop, and you will be away and find that you cannot leave it alone. The finances look good, and some unexpected cash will lift your spirits. A weekend away will soon be available and it will be somewhere that you have not been before. Singles can look forward to a lot of attention this weekend.

April 20th – May 20th
You will have to face it that one of your white goods has at last had it, and you will have no alternative but to replace it. However, some unexpected money from somewhere will help towards the cost. You will think about doing some voluntary work or raising some money for charity in some way. You will meet friends or family for a great night out this weekend. Be careful with drinks, as there is a danger of ruining something by staining it with bleach or wine or something of that nature.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit resentful, as you will be expected to do the same old things on your own. A feeling that you are being taken for granted will rise to the surface until you will just have to say something. You will think about buying some garden furniture and look what is on offer, and a trip to the garden centre is on the cards this weekend. A partner will want to give you more attention this weekend and will suggest a romantic dinner.

April 20th – May 20th
You will think about booking into a famous restaurant and ask around to see if others would be interested in going with you. The sun, sea and beaches of Europe will draw you and you will book a fantastic holiday. Double-check a taxi or travel arrangements at the last minute and also check the cost, as there could be a misunderstanding. Singles will meet someone new when out enjoying the fresh air.

April 20th – May 20th
You will clear the air this weekend with a loved one but still feel slightly apprehensive. Singles will reconnect with an ex, but for how long? You will want to change your home in some way and will start with a main room. If going away, check that all documents are correct and in date. A week in the countryside for some new relationships will be rather romantic.

April 20th – May 20th
There is a light at the end of the tunnel where an ongoing problem is concerned. You will be pleased to get it to your favourite restaurant this weekend. Singles will be confused when they hear from an ex, may be a good idea to give it a bit of time before your reply. You will plan a train journey for later on in the year that will be connected with a break or short holiday.

April 20th – May 20th
You will consider taking on a financial loan and wonder if it is the right thing to do at this time. You will look at how you can fit in the day an increase in exercise. You will feel that a friend is trying to monopolise your time and you will gradually pull away from them as you will not want to offend them. You will take time looking at a kitchen as you will feel that it is due for a makeover.

April 20th – May 20th
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and soon you will be smiling. Lovely roses will be given to you from a loved one. An evening meal with family and friends will go well, and you will be able to catch up with someone that you have not seen for a while. You will think about changing the style of your clothes, maybe updating them and certainly throwing some out in order to have a more modern look. This will lift your spirits too and cause a few comments from others.