Scorpio – 20th January to 26th January – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Are you a follower or leader in the workplace or haven’t you given it much thought? It may surprise you to learn that many follow your light and find you inspiring so it may be time to put your best foot forward and look into a more senior role. It will be welcomed by the rest of the team so don’t let doubts about that stop you. Be honest with your partner about your feelings on one particular subject before it gets out of hand.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
It is totally normal and healthy to question your place in the world, in fact we should all do it more. You will begin to realise that there are a lot of people that aren’t as fortunate as you and will want to do something about it and you must. A helping hand, no matter how small is going to change someone’s life and it will be because of you and others like you.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Keep working on the person that you’re trying to reach – not in location but in their heart. Your bloody mindedness and determination will forge a bond that you will share for many years to come. Towards the end of the week you may need to make a sacrifice for the greater good, and it will leave you feeling good about yourself. In fact, you will find yourself repeating this behaviour due to the intense pleasure it gives you.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Life is there for living, so take your time and don’t rush through what you perceive to be the boring bits. There is so much pleasure to be had in the simple things in life so slow down and really take in your surroudings or occasion. It will make you realise that there’s joy to be had in ways you’ve never imagined before.

June 21st – July 22nd
If you’ve been acting out of character recently then you should confide in someone close as to the reason why. Some people are worried about you but are afraid to approach you so let the rumour mill spread the word for you. A senior colleague is acting high and might but remember that respect is earned through actions and words, not through fear. They will get their marching order sooner than you think.

May 21st - June 20th
Makes plans in your free time to pursue many different activities with different sets of friends. Variety is the spice of life! Being open to trying new things will put you in a position where you meet people you wouldn’t usually come into contact with. So, if you’re looking for that special someone, this will prove invaluable in changing the pool of people you usually bump into.

April 20th – May 20th
Make time this week to reconnect with people that you’ve lost touch with. A quick message will be enough to start the ball rolling, no need to make extravagant plans. Just letting someone know that you are thinking about them is special in itself. There’s someone at work that is itching for you to notice them – maybe you have already but are playing hard to get? Don’t make it too difficult for them for fear of them thinking you’ve dismissed them entirely!

March 21st - April 19th
You are the person that people come to with their problems and it is leaving you feeling tired and resentful. It’s a good trait being there for others but you must show up for yourself, too. A long distance love interest is making plans to tiptoe back into your life – the question is, are you willing to allow them back in? Be mindful of your time commitments when making a promise to someone who is relying on you.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A hobby is gaining momentum, and you should look into the possibility of this earning a little extra income for you. If your energy levels are low, consider taking some light exercise, it will make you feel more awake and invigorated and more able to deal with whatever it is that lands at your feet. A special moment will be shared with the unlikeliest of love matches.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Look at setting a new tone with a close friend that is taking liberties. The longer you bow down to them the more they will take and this makes the friendship unstable. You may not consider yourself vital in the workplace, however and incident this week will make your footing more permanent. Don’t hide your skills behind embarrassment, try to put yourself forward more and more until it becomes natural to you.