Gemini – 28th March to 3rd April – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

May 21st - June 20th
You will look forward to going to a party this weekend. New relationships will move onto a new level, and you will be invited to meet friends or family members of your new love. You will think about getting some new bags or cases and look at what is on offer, which would be nice, especially if you are going on holiday. Good news from someone who is trying for a baby. You will get stuck into a recipe this weekend that a friend has given you, as it was so good.

April 20th – May 20th
You will think about booking into a famous restaurant and ask around to see if others would be interested in going with you. The sun, sea and beaches of Europe will draw you and you will book a fantastic holiday. Double-check a taxi or travel arrangements at the last minute and also check the cost, as there could be a misunderstanding. Singles will meet someone new when out enjoying the fresh air.

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel relieved when a bit of a touchy situation comes to an end. An unexpected bill will be a bit annoying, but you will have to pay it. You will feel that you have to back down so that a situation between you and a loved one does not get out of hand. The finances generally will look up unexpectedly so much so that you will think about investing in some way. A partner will be very loving this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
An apology from someone close will go down very well this weekend. You will be pleased about a new pet and spend more than you had intended on it. An ex will be persistent if you ignore them, however ask yourself if this is what you want long-term? Someone will arrive with a big box of chocolates for you. A partner will be rather attentive this weekend and make you feel rather special.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will be quite surprised by the reaction of friends and family this weekend. In a pleasant way, I might add. You will think about doing something in the craft line that could potentially earn you cash in the long run. You will think about sorting out photographs or pictures in some way. Singles are in for a romantic night out with a new love interest this weekend. New relationships will be rather loving this weekend too.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
After a period of contemplation, you will think seriously about going self-employed. A happy weekend ahead with family or friends and a meal out will go very well. The finances look promising and if you are careful will increase nicely if you don’t succumb to impulsive buys. You will be in a position to book a long-haul holiday if you fancy it. The long-term marriages will have a romantic weekend.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will think about buying a new appliance or gadget for your kitchen. A family member will pop in unexpectedly. You will be surprised and pleased by some flowers that arrive. News from a different country will have you making urgent plans. A child will do very well in some kind of course or exam. The finances will be steady and improve over a period of time.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Just when you thought that nobody cared you will realise that they do. You will be given a gift in a small square box. You will think about booking a holiday to Europe. However, you will have to persuade the person that you want to go with first that it is a good deal. Check a bank statement that something has been paid, as there is a possibility of a mix-up in some way.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
There is a surprise on the horizon for you this weekend. You will find yourself among family and friends and having a really good time. Someone might even suggest a barbeque? A small-unexpected cash amount will cheer you up. A family member who lives a distance away will turn up unexpectedly too, much to your delight. Singles will decide to go for a walk with a new interest.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Unexpected developments this weekend will have you rushing about trying to sort things out. However someone will give you roses so that will be a boost to your spirits. You will unfortunately be unable to see someone that you had arranged to see this weekend. However, you will have a good weekend and see someone else that you have not seen for a while and have a cosy catch-up.