Leo – 18th April to 24th April – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
The finances will tick over, and some unexpected benefit will warm your heart. A friend will have a good idea about sharing some kind of heating, maybe both sharing the same home or taking turns in using energy, something like that. You will be invited out to dinner with friends, which will be a bit unexpected. You will have a retail therapy day with a friend and spend more than you had intended.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will want to move from where you are living and will look at a property that is available. You will be tempted to take it even though it won’t be what you really want, if you do you will regret it. Your ideal home will soon be available so it will be worth waiting for. Where new relationships are concerned you will feel that someone is being a bit too eager and as a result is making you feel pressured and hemmed in. It would be better to act now and cool down to your level or it will fold up.

May 21st - June 20th
You will be concerned about an older person whose behaviour seems a bit odd and you will ask someone close for their opinion about it all. A trip might well have to be rearranged and it will not be your fault. It looks like a colleague will want to chat with you about something, try not to take sides be as neutral as possible. You will think about making a special cake for someone close to you.

April 20th – May 20th
A new hobby will falter a bit, not really get off to a good start, then suddenly the penny will drop, and you will be away and find that you cannot leave it alone. The finances look good, and some unexpected cash will lift your spirits. A weekend away will soon be available and it will be somewhere that you have not been before. Singles can look forward to a lot of attention this weekend.

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel the need to slow down and chill out this weekend after a hectic few weeks. You will feel obliged to keep an appointment although it is the last thing that you want to do. You will want to try something different with your hair and ask a friend her opinion before you try it out. You will try a new restaurant and find it really good. The finances will be a bit up and down for a while.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will wonder whether to spend money on a property or just move somewhere else. Someone that you know casually will make it clear that they are interested in you in a romantic way. However, you will feel that they are a bit over the top, so you will draw back so that you can think about it all. The finances will continue to tick over nicely if you keep a close eye on them. You will think about asking someone that you like out for dinner this weekend.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
An exciting job is on the horizon, which could lead to an even higher position for you eventually. You will look carefully at your home and finances and consider the possibility of moving. It seems that it will be a big thing for you to do at the moment and you will feel that it is a now or never feeling. May be not what is the rush? Long-term relationships will seem to hit a bit of a boring predictable time. However, things will look up in the next couple of months.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will be worried about a partner’s spending, although a bit of a chat has seen no improvement you will seek the help of a professional. A short weekend break is coming up and you will feel relaxed, and your batteries will be charged. You will feel that a friend is being unreasonable which could lead to a row if you are not careful. Singles will be invited to a party where they will meet a new love interest.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
After being single for a while you will decide to go for it and look for a new partner. A person younger than yourself will help you out with a website, a dating app, or something technical that you will be really grateful for. You will think about having some work done in your home and get a couple of quotes. New relationships will be a bit uncertain, and you will stand back a little and see what transpires.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be concerned about someone that you have not visited for a while, and you will make an effort to arrange a meeting. Singles will be really flattered by someone who is obviously attracted to them but is a stranger. But that could be changed, couldn’t it? You will be tempted to stop a diet, maybe it is boring and if you did a bit of research, would you find a new approach that will get you more interested again?