Virgo – 23rd May to 29th May – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be a group that is arranging something, and you will feel that the balance of work is unfair and that you are doing too much, and people are relying on you all the time with various excuses to let them off why they cannot do things. It is up to you to speak out to reset the balance. A diet will go well with a few pounds off before an important event. An on-off relationship will finally bite the dust. At least you will know where you stand.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit taken aback when someone shows you rather a lot of attention. You will get an offer from someone to do a job that needs doing in your home when you talk about it, and they won’t want paying, either!! So, it will save you getting a professional and having to pay out for it. You will have a conversation with someone who is in another country but feel a bit frustrated about it.

June 21st – July 22nd
A good friend will ask you to go to the cinema this weekend. You will toy with the idea of having a barbeque and ask around who would be interested, and the answer is everyone!! You will spend some time looking at clothes as you will get an invite to a wedding, and it will have to be just right before you buy anything. Romance is in the air this weekend for new relationships, a cosy night in with a bottle of wine looks good.

April 20th – May 20th
You will feel that you want to spruce up one particular room in your home, not that it really needs it, but maybe just bringing it up to date a bit. Singles will be surprised when they receive a text from an old flame. You will try and get more exercise but find that it is more difficult than you thought, but persevering will get you results. Some kind of test or procedure that you were dreading will not be as half bad as you thought.

March 21st - April 19th
Don’t waste your time with anger with one particular person, it is just not worth it. You will be pleased when you find that you have lost a couple of pounds without really trying. You will be drawn to get another vehicle in spite of the fact that you are satisfied with what you have already. Maybe it is a good deal on offer or that you are just ready for a change. Some lovely flowers are about to land in your home.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Those looking for a new home will find their ideal place. Singles will meet someone new this weekend. New relationships will take an exciting turn and the old romantics will have a cosy weekend in! Those into DIY will start to tackle rather a big project that will keep them occupied for quite a while. Those into travel will make an exciting holiday booking that they can look forward to.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about spending some money on a private course of some kind. A neighbour is obviously lonely and will keep trying to get your attention. Someone fairly close to you will have a flair for cooking and you will give them encouragement and point out what they could do with their talent. A gossip will try and get you to agree and be on their side over some kind of situation with another person. It would be best to be neutral and not get involved.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that after all the hard work you have put in at work the least that they can do is recognise what you have done. You will have the chance to book a great holiday deal. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a cruise. You will feel that someone does not appreciate what you do for them, and you will decide to pull back away from them a bit to see if their attitude improves.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will be able to get a job that you want as a result of getting some qualifications. So, all your hard work is soon to pay off. Singles will be off on a holiday and can look forward to a holiday fling. Those in partnerships will have the chance for a welcome unexpected holiday break. Long distance relationships will seem to falter a bit and make you start thinking, is it all worth it?

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A group of friends will invite you to join them on a short holiday. After a short break from a loved one you will be a bit concerned about a meeting to discuss your future together. You will order a few things to wear on impulse and find that you will have to return some of them, which will be a bit irritating. You will be surprised when you receive an invitation to a wedding.