Leo – 14th November to 20th November – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will not quite believe some juicy gossip that a friend tells you. You will think about having something in your home renovated or fixed up in some way. The finances will improve slightly but not as much as you had thought that they would. You will be pleased to be invited to dinner with some friends. It seems that you will be really surprised to hear about a baby on the way. A small cash amount out of the blue will put a smile on your face.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will look at a long-haul holiday and ask someone who is close to you to go with you. You will also look at a short break that will be offered to you out of the blue. A friend will take you into their confidence and ask you for your opinion and ask you for some advice. You will search for a new handbag and come across just what you are looking for, but it will be rather expensive.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Some good news where work is concerned will cheer you up a bit. A friend will ask if you would go with them to do some kind of exercise so that they keep going with it. Someone close to you will need your moral support and you will feel a bit helpless that you are not helping them, but you are helping them more than you think. Someone will give you some kind of sweet treat and you will have to restrict yourself with it and not eat it all in one go!!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A friend will obviously need some help in some way, and you will offer to help. However, it would mean changing your own plans, so maybe think first before you offer as it could put you out quite a bit if you are not careful. Someone whom you did not care for in the past will try and be all friendly and you will question their motives. Good news on the financial front will cheer you up.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be annoyed when a taxi looks like it is going to be late, don’t leave it too long before you check up on it. A parcel will arrive at the wrong time in spite of you arranging it. The finances will improve, and a little unexpected cash will please you. A friend will want a catch up and will fill you in with the latest gossip about people that you know. You will wonder whether to give someone a present or not.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be pleased when you are invited to a birthday party. You need to sort out some paperwork this weekend. It is time to start de-cluttering and attack that big cupboard or wardrobe. You will bump into someone that you have not seen for a while and arrange for a catch-up. You will ask a friend round and try out a recipe that you have wanted to do for a while.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
The opportunity to book a decent holiday for next year will appear for you soon. A family member will apologise and try and get back into your good books. You will be surprised and pleased when a large bill will not be half as bad as you expected. You will need to sort out something with a car, but don’t delay with it. You will think about selling something that you have had for a while.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel that someone is taking you for granted and decide to have a word with them about it. You will long for a quiet weekend so that you can chill out and recharge your batteries, but it looks like someone else has a different idea!! You will be pleased when you receive an invite for dinner and decide to buy something new to wear for when you go. The finances will look up and a small cash amount out of the blue will put a smile on your face.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Work will seem to be quite stressful, and you will try and talk with someone about it, but you will feel that you are not getting anywhere. A friend will ask you if you would like to go to London for a weekend and you will be very tempted. You will feel that someone is trying to sabotage your diet or your way of eating. You will think about buying something made of wood for your home and you will look at the Internet to see if you can see something that you really like.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel that life is in a bit of a rut where you are concerned and wish for something good and exciting to happen for a change. Well, it does look as if your dreams are about to come true. It looks as if a little unexpected money is also on the horizon. You will decide to buy something that will save you money energy-wise after talking with a friend about it. You will shortly have an invite to some kind of party or event.