Capricorn – 5th September to 11th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
This week will see you wanting to change things around your home for the Autumn and it will be a good time to put these ideas into motion. There will be surprise contact from a family member that you haven’t heard from for many years, and they will have good news to share with you. Keep an eye on an elderly neighbour as they may need more help than they are asking for.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that at last you can break free from your old life and have a new start. Someone who has stood on the sidelines in a romantic way will now come forward at last. A surprise baby will have everyone gossiping. Those keeping fit will decide to train for some kind of run, may be a charity event or something similar. An annoying problem with water will need a plumber to sort it all out.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel annoyed with a friend, as it seems you have borne your soul to them and they are now being distant with you. Do they know something that you don’t? However, time will tell and you will find out the truth. Singles are about to embark on a new phase of their lives and it does look exciting at last. Long-term relationships will decide to gee up their situations and make a new start.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel a bit guilty when you refuse to lend someone some money, but in your heart, you will know that you are doing the right thing, and also it would be doubtful if you would ever get it back. New relationships go well this weekend. Singles have the choice between two dates this weekend. Long term relationships perk up and it seems a romantic Saturday night is on the cards.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A problem at work will be blown out of all proportion in your view. However, things will settle down but you will feel a bit restless and you will think seriously about getting another job. A weekend away will regenerate you and make you feel full of beans. You will hear good news about a baby and want to celebrate with others. Singles will meet someone new when in a wine bar this weekend.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A disagreement with two people at work will have everyone goggling and be the talk of the place. You will decide to have a clear out this weekend and someone will join in eventually to give you a hand. An invitation to a wedding will be a bit of a surprise and welcomed. Also, it is a good excuse to have a snappy new outfit. Something that you have ordered will have to be returned which will be a bit of a pain.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will start to apply for jobs that you think you will be more suited to. Try not to let others borrow money from you, because I doubt whether you will ever get it back. A holiday out of the blue will get you very excited and planning a new wardrobe to go with it!! You will feel that a friend is ignoring you a bit, and feel hurt, but you won’t feel that you can ask them why. Sometimes it is worth having a chat just to see if they have problems that are taking up their time.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will be thrilled that you have booked a brilliant holiday and start to look forward to it. News from another country will be encouraging. You will have the opportunity to go self-employed but dilly-dally about it, as you will not be sure that now is the right time to start it. A child will surprise you by how well they do in some exam and they will need moral support to continue with their studies.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will find that you are losing patience with someone close to you and decide that you will have to have a talk with them. You will think about buying some lighting or something sparkly for your home. Someone that you have fallen out with in the past will contact you and will want to apologise. However, you will not know how to respond, maybe you should sleep on it before you do anything.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that you need time on your own to process some information that someone has told you. White goods will play up and you will need a professional to sort it out before it packs up altogether. You will feel that your relationship has gone a bit stale and will resolve to talk with your partner to see if you can do anything about it. Singles will have a good weekend with the girls.