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Entries by Elizabeth Rose

Exploring the World of Online Psychic Readings

Psychic readings have been around for centuries, but with the rise of modern technology, they are now more accessible than ever. The internet has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for those seeking spiritual guidance and insight. Elizabeth Rose offers online psychic readings with experienced psychics who can provide you with a variety […]

The Difference Between Psychic and Clairvoyant

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a psychic and a clairvoyant? Both terms are often used interchangeably in pop culture, but there are key differences between these two specialties. In this blog post, we’ll explore exactly what sets them apart so that you can understand which one might be right for you.  […]


What to Ask A Tarot Card Reader

When it comes to readings from a tarot card reader, it is important to have the right questions. A good tarot card reader will be able to provide you with insight and guidance that can help you make wise decisions, but in order to get the most out of your reading, you’ll need to ask […]



Feb 19th – March 20th
New relationships seem to be developing well this weekend. Established relationships seem to chill out this weekend and relax with a lovely dinner and maybe wine too!! News from a different country will arrive at last. You will decide to book a short break where there is relaxing water. Work will become rather busy, and you may well have to do some extra hours.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
There are a few chores that have to be sorted out this weekend before you can really relax. However, you will be in great demand by your friends or family, so it does look like a very busy weekend. Those in friendship type relationships will wonder if it is worth carrying on. Singles will decide to chill out with friends this weekend and see what happens. A romantic gesture from a partner will be appreciated.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A work problem will need sorting out before you can relax this weekend. A friend will try and persuade you to go to a restaurant that you have not been to before; it will have the type of food that you have not tried before either. An unexpected gift of some cash will lift your spirits. You and a partner or friend will look into booking a holiday for later on in the year, that is, if you can find a good deal.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
At last, you will meet someone that you have been planning to see for a long time. A chance for a short break in another country will soon appear. It is time to de-clutter that wardrobe, as you will not be able to get anything else in if you don’t. A small amount of cash coming out of the blue will be very useful. A family member will do well in their career, and you will organise a little celebration.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be delighted that a relationship is going well. However, it seems a close friend is jealous of your situation, and you may have to have a sharp word with them, rather than let things go on and you get stressed out about it. It looks as if you would do well to seek a professional opinion about a document that is not straightforward. You will be invited to a birthday party and see someone that you have not seen for a long time.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will seriously think about taking some kind of course that will benefit you in the long run. Singles will be delighted to hear from an ex and plan to meet for a catch up. You will be concerned about some gossip that you hear about a friend and try and track down the source. An invitation to a party will get you all excited and you will have a retail therapy day to get the right outfit.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will wonder whether to confide in a friend about a problem that you have. A friend will invite you for a meal, but you will be a bit worried about it for some reason. You will hear about someone close getting engaged and you will be thrilled for them. You will feel that someone is trying to sabotage your diet, maybe they are jealous? A little cash coming out of the blue will arrive just at the right time.