The Difference Between Psychic and Clairvoyant – Elizabeth Rose
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The Difference Between Psychic and Clairvoyant

Psychic demonstrating energy capture

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a psychic and a clairvoyant? Both terms are often used interchangeably in pop culture, but there are key differences between these two specialties. In this blog post, we’ll explore exactly what sets them apart so that you can understand which one might be right for you. 

What is a Psychic?

A psychic is someone who can access information using their intuition. They can use their sixth sense to pick up on energies and feelings that may not be immediately apparent to the average person. Psychics tap into their own inner wisdom as well as the collective consciousness of the universe to access knowledge that they use to help guide people toward their best paths in life. They can also provide insight into relationships and other areas of life where clarity or guidance is needed.

What is a Clairvoyant?

A clairvoyant, on the other hand, is someone who uses extrasensory perception (ESP) to gain insight into people’s lives. Unlike psychics, clairvoyants do not rely on intuition alone; instead, they have developed a heightened level of awareness that allows them to pick up on subtle cues in their environment that regular people would miss. This could include visual impressions, intuitive hunches, sounds or smells – anything that provides them with further insight into a situation or person’s life. Unlike psychics, clairvoyants do not need any special tools or techniques in order to access this information; they have an inherent gift that allows them to tap into this knowledge. 

The distinction between psychics and clairvoyants might seem small at first glance, but there are important differences between the two types of practitioners: psychics focus more on interpreting energy and providing advice based on intuition, while clairvoyants focus more on gaining insight through ESP and reading people’s signals. So if you’re looking for specific advice about your next steps in life or an understanding of how your relationships may be impacting you, then a psychic may be your best bet; but if you want an objective view of your current situation from an outsider’s perspective, then a clairvoyant might be more suitable for you. 

Whether it’s advice from a psychic or insight from a clairvoyant, both professionals offer unique perspectives that can help guide us through life’s challenges. With this blog post as your guide, hopefully now you have a better understanding of what sets each specialty apart so that you can decide which one might be right for you! Have a look at our full list of readers at Elizabeth Rose.